Welcome to our Professor Support Center

Welcome to our

Faculty Support Center

Our 5-Star Implementation Plan:

At CircleIn, we understand you are extremely busy and want to make finding information as easy as possible. Resources are organized by the level of engagement you are comfortable with. The more your students integrate CirlceIn into their study plans, the greater your outcomes. You will see positive changes by encouraging students to connect on CircleIn. How much you integrate CircleIn into your classroom is completely up to you. 

Our 5 Star Implementation Plan below defines a path for maximum student engagement and collaboration on CircleIn and allows you to decide the effort appropriate for your classes, with 5 stars yielding the greatest impact. You directing students to engage on CircleIn will contribute to students fostering deeper connections, a greater sense of belonging and improved performance outcomes. We also have further FAQ resources at the bottom of this page. 

Each week, CircleIn hosts webinars specifically for professors to learn more about CircleIn.  During the session, we cover why it's critical to have a strategy for social media to maintain academic integrity, we provide a demo of our student application as well as provide an overview of any of our available stipend programs. Click the button below and sign up to learn more...

 Invite Your Students To Use CircleIn

Introduce your students to CircleIn to ensure they understand our value and encourage them to use this robust tool for your course.

⭐ 1 Star: Invite students before the first class

  1. Add CircleIn to your syllabus.
  2. Email your students an invitation to use CircleIn.

2 Stars: Invite in person, during first class.

  1.  Play Student Welcome Video in Class.
  2. Allow 5 minutes in class for students to download mobile app. (QR Code PDF)

Engage Students with Real-time Course Feedback

Regular feedback loops help you identify opportunities to improve learning in real-time.

⭐3 Stars: Survey Students during class

Allow students 2-5 minutes during class lectures to complete anonymous course feedback survey questions.

⭐4 Stars: Close Feedback Loop

Address issues from survey with class as needed without singling out student. 

Our contests and reward programs.

Our contests and reward programs.

Incorporate a Participation Grade.

⭐5 Stars: Close Feedback Loop

Add a participation grade to drive engagement and encourage collaboration.

  1. Extra credit and/or participation grades drive big outcomes. Classes get 90-100% engagement and more students are available when help is needed.
  2. Track grades and outcomes.
  3. Share student wins!

CircleIn Half to Full Circles Mission

Help us keep your students engaged and successful

Our mission is to turn 'half circles' into 'full circles' to increase student learning and success.

We have found the main catalyst for highly successful CircleIn use in schools are when there are 'Circles', which are 'a collaboration ready network due to 10 or more students in a course active on CircleIn.'

Your exclusive Faculty Newsletter will be delivered biweekly straight to your inbox! You can find specific information about your CircleIn courses and how to 'close the circles' to improve student belonging.